The four possible topics for my project are:
I feel that pursuing this topic will help broaden my knowledge of all different culture's goddesses. I'm thinking that I'll choose one from different cultures and see the similarities/differences and talk about them. From there I may do a long story with all of them interacting with each other. Or I may tell individual stories for each goddess. I plan on starting off by using the List of deities from Wikipedia to help my research.
Greek Mythology
I decided to pick Greek mythology because I loved learning about it in school. I already have some previous knowledge of the topic; but I want to go more in depth about the origin stories of each god/goddess. There are so many ways I could spin the tales of the interactions between the gods to help my story writing. I plan on starting the search with the website called as well as utilizing the freebookapalooza for more materials.
Hawaiian Mythology
I don't have much previous knowledge of Hawaiian mythology. Assuming that the Disney movie Moana takes its tales from this mythology then I know a little about it. I would love to learn more about this mythology from a different culture. If I decide to follow this path for research I will utilize the Wikipedia site, Native Hawaiians to help with this.
Norse Mythology
Thor is one of my favorite Marvel superheroes so Norse mythology caught my eye in the list of project topics. During the movies I was intrigued by the mentions to the stories behind Thor and Loki as well as their fathers. I would love to learn more about this mythology because I feel it is a lot different from most others, like Greek mythology. To help during the research process I plan on using, Diigo for books. As well as using Wikipedia to have an overview of the different stories.
(Caption: god accompanied by animals by Flickr)
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