Growth Mindset: 7 Key Maxims

I read through the article titled 7 Key Maxims of a Mindset Focused on Growth by Martin Zwilling.

One thing the article confirmed for me is that in order to have a growth mindset, you have to see challenges as exciting and not threatening. I had learned this from the first Growth Mindset article I read in this course.

One new thing that I learned from the article is the 7 key maxims that lead to a growth mindset. They are:
1. a need to learn from customers, rather than educate them
2. develop market insights and a growth vision far beyond today
3. don't try to solve all the world's problems in one solution
4. foster leadership and accountability at all levels of the company
5. partnering with customers, rather than acting as a supplier
6. replace 'push' marketing with value-added 'pull' marketing
7. manage my metrics rather than by crisis and emotion

One new thing I am curious to explore is the 3rd maxim that was pointed out in the article. I need to get better at taking on challenges one step at a time rather than doing it all at once. For instance, the way I study for exams. I normally put off making the study guide of each chapter until it's close to testing time. This usually stresses me out and I'm too busy trying to finish the study guide, that by the time I start studying I'm not able to remember much. I think I'm going to try applying this maxim to my school life by being more strict about my study schedule. Making it to where I'm studying each chapter the week we go over it, rather than right before the test.

(Caption: Brain with dumbells by Pixbay)
