The first article I read was the How to Get Past Negativity Bias in Order to HardWire Positive Experiences by Katrina Schwartz. While reading through the article I thought it was strange they compared the brain to plastic. What the metaphor was alluding to, was that the brain is moldable and can be taught new things. With the HEAL technique it can help to rewire the brain to associate negative experiences with positive feelings. I feel this technique would be difficult for me only because I am very self-critical of myself and do not like failure. It mentions that it will be difficult for people like me to get through each step of the HEAL technique.
The next article I read was the Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt in Creative Work by John Spencer. He mentions that comparison is not your friend when you're not feeling confident. The focus should be on yourself and not on others because that creates competition in all aspects of your life. The next topic mentioned was perfectionism. It will take the joy out of what you love if you let it, and it also leads to self-doubt. The article also talks about the growth mindset that was apart of the reading materials for last week.
As a student, I've always thought of failure as the worst thing in the world. Being creative in school wasn't encouraged and I always wanted to get good grades. I think to help get around this, I should implement these two articles ideas. Even though my time in an academic setting is coming to an end, I think these ideas will be important in the working world.
(Caption: Cat with burgers with caption made on
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