The first article I read was the 11 Ways Unsuccessful People Mismanage Their Time. This definitely was useful to me for my scheduling this semester. I'm working as a teaching assistant for two classes as well as working in the IT department of the Business College. When the article mentioned that if you look at your schedule and feel dread to dial it back some, I took the advice. I talked to my boss at the IT job and asked to cut back on my hour commitment for the week. The article mentioned scheduling free time for yourself, and with the new block of time that was freed up, I plan on doing that!
The second article I read was the Realistic Study Plans. Personally, if I'm working on homework for more than two hours I become super unproductive with my work. That's my usual max out and once I hit the two hours I take an hour break minimum. I keep a bullet journal to help with my weekly planning and time management. I hope to start implementing the study plan with goals to help myself keep track of progress. For this class as well as my other classes I can benefit from this method.
I think the biggest overall challenge for this semester for me is staying on top of my classes and the TA classes.
(Caption: Clock image by Flickr)
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