* story source(s) you think will be useful: As I mentioned before in my project research, I'll be using the Freebookapalooza to get my story sources!
* three or four stories/episodes that you think you want to include: From the stories I've read so far, I think I'll include the Song of Taro, the Shark Man of Waipio, the Sleeping Giant, and the Blind Builders of the Sea. All of these stories come from the book Legends of old Hawaii as told by Tutu to her grandchildren by Betty Allen (1944), with illustrations by Herbe Shade. I would also like to do some more outside reading for this project to help me get a bigger selection of stories to choose from(I may need to start doing extra credit readings to help with this).
* some thoughts about the storytelling style(s) you are considering; for example: will there be some kind of overarching story or storyteller that connects the stories? or will your Storybook be more like an anthology of separate stories? I'm thinking of using the story telling style of having an overarching story. From the storybooks I read from the previous classes, I enjoyed the ones with this style the most.
* what main ideas(s) do you want to learn about? what message(s) or experience(s) do you want to get across to your readers? I think I want to learn more about the Hawaiian culture and get a feel for what their Mythology encompasses. The experience I want to give the readers is a peak into the vast topic of Hawaiian Mythology.
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