For this week's learning challenge, I'll be focusing on the time challenge. At the beginning of the semester, my schedule was very different than it is now. I actually just changed my working schedule around because it was not working out with my life schedule. I also haven't quite stuck with the schedule I made at the beginning of this class. My normal schedule for this class is to get the first reading done on Monday during work, and if I don't have too much other homework I'll do the second reading. If I'm not able to get to the second reading, I'll do it during work on Tuesday and I usually knock out the storytelling the same day I do the second reading. I like to work ahead in this class for the weekly assignments just in case I get too busy with other classes. Something I do need to work on is not putting the Sunday assignments off till the last minute. I've been getting into that bad habit and it tends to stress me out on Sunday night. I think I'll need to start spreading that out in the week from now on.
One thing I have done decently well is trying to get ahead on points. For now, I'm a week ahead in the class in points from doing extra credit. I do wish that I had done more extra credit throughout the semester. I want to try to finish this class a little early so I can start focusing on my last ever finals for classes. I'm on track to get an A in the class, which I'm super happy with!
(Caption: clock by Pixbay)
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